Around Maynooth FAQs

Your SU represents you at various levels to ensure you rights as a student are upheld. If your question isn't answered here you can call into the SU Front Desk or e-mail for help.

As a University town Maynooth is well serviced by public transport. We are situated on the Dublin-Sligo and Western Commuter rail-lines and serviced by Dublin Bus. Many Bus Eireann services and private operators run to the University. You can also travel by car, Maynooth is just off the M4. Find out more about travel option on the University website.
First of all- let's be clear. The SU Bar is your home away from home! With food served from 9am - 9pm and entertainment until midnight every night, why would you leave?! But variety is good, so you will no doubt end up downtown some nights, so here's our guide:

Fitzgerald’s The Roost Open every night and their big night is a Thursday. There is an entry fee on the door and you can expect bands on the ground floor (every band plays High way to Hell? ?at least once). Upstairs you will find a nightclub playing the typical club tunage. The smoking area is the place to shift and drift!

Mischief ?Techno, Techno, Techno, it’s probably the only place in Maynooth that is a nightclub. The late night venue hosts events with international DJ’s at least once or twice a month. Paid entry on the door and if you’re out on a mad one, you usually end up here!

Bradys Want to shift a GAA lad, this is the place to go! Meet Dan Brady at the top of the queue, the orchestrator of mile-long queues and the soundest doorman in Maynooth! This is the nightclub of choice for Wednesday nights. It’s a small spot and doubles as a sauna! Watch for Declan the bar owner as he pops his head out the front door when its full, show him your county medal and he will let you in! Entry fees expected upon entry.

Eating Out  Maynooth has a reputation for being one of the best places to eat outside of Dublin. For the size of the town there are many restaurants and takeaways for you to get stuck into. Picaderos and DaVincis are recommended if you’re trying to impress on that big date- Pizza Dog and Romayos if you are looking for bang for your buck!